Sunday, February 26, 2012

Deborah Boschert gift quilt 02-26-12

This is another of the quilts from the "Twelves" that didn't make it into the Visions Art Museum exhibit.  I was amazed at how dark this quilt read when laid out with the other 48 pieces.  There are three of Deborah's 12-inch square quilts in the Collection and her quilt "Meandering Home" is showing at VAM now.

"Cultivate"  Deborah Boschert 2011  12" x 12" 
This quilt has many of Deborah's signature techniques/motifs - the little white "trees" in a row at the bottom, the printed circles, the misty paint spray, hand embroidery and more.  I especially like the little quilted tendrils growing upward and overlapping the little house.    Instead of the long over the edge binding stitches she sometimes uses she has instead added a fabric printed with grass - clever. 

A gorgeous batik on the back and a dedication label.
And notice the soda can hanging tags. 
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Misty said...

I've had the pleasure of meeting Deborah through Metrothreads, a local art quilting group, and learning from her through our guild. She's a wonderful person and very talented quilter.

Deborah Boschert said...

I had such fun creating this little piece for you, Del. I am thrilled that you are enjoying it and I'm honored to have this piece in your collection. Thank you AGAIN for your enduring and dedicated support of art quilting and art quilters. You are an inspiration.