Monday, January 21, 2008

Cairo Tentmaker hanging 01-21-08

Appliqued panel by Tentmaker Hossam Farouk, Cairo, Egypt

This is the piece I purchased from Jenny Bowker yesterday. She had brought three of these panels from Egypt to show the wonderful work of the Cairo tentmakers. There are three layers - top w/applique, a heavy canvas and a solid fabric backing - but they are not quilted together. The applique stitches go through the applique, the background and pick up just a tiny thread in the canvas. The dark blue backing is attached only at the edges.

This detail shows the workmanship which is amazing, but not perfect enough for a quilt show judge! Considering all this handwork the panels are incredibly inexpensive. I chose this one because of the three it has a greatest range of colors. The pictures are not great and the color is dull, because this has been a dreary grey day w/periodic showers. But I wanted to share this fabulous work of textile art and couldn't wait for a sunny day.

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1 comment:

jpsam said...

I am so glad that you didn't wait for a sunny day! This is wonderful! Thank you for brightening my day!